Airplane Travel Medicine

Currently Unavailable – Tentatively Returning

Fall 2024

Through an in depth travel consultation, our medical staff will ascertain your travelling health needs and ensure you are prepared for your trip.

Your visit will include:

  • Comprehensive patient counseling for safe travel abroad.
  • Recommended and required immunizations.
  • Prescriptions for travel medications if required, and strategies for disease prevention.
  • Medications for potential treatment while overseas.
  • Information on how to avoid traveler’s diarrhea, malaria, hepatitis and many other travel related illnesses.
  • Post travel consultations in the event that you become ill.
  • Counseling for patients with specials needs

Horizon recognizes that prevention and preparation is the key to successful overseas travel. We look forward to again being able to assist with your travel medicine consult –  service tentatively returning Summer 2024.

Map, and travel stuff for planning a trip